Preserved Farm, White Township - Photo by Teresa KaminskiWorking with the Warren County Agricultural Development Board (CADB), the Warren County Board of Recreation Commissioners (BORC), and the Warren County Municipal and Charitable Conservancy Trust Fund Committee (MCCTFC), the Land Preservation Department is responsible for administering Warren County's Farmland, Historic, and Open Space Preservation Programs.

Over nearly the past twenty years, Warren County residents have repeatedly reaffirmed their commitment to preservation by voting in support of the dedicated Open Space Trust Fund. In 1993, Warren County voters approved a non-binding public referendum by a margin of 2-1 which allowed for the collection of an additional tax of up to 2 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. In November 1999 and again in November 2002, county voters approved non-binding open space referendums by large margins, each time recommending an increase in the open space tax of another 2 cents per $100 of assessed property value.

The Open Space Trust Fund, which currently collects 2 cents per $100 of assessed property value, has enabled Warren County to preserve over 28,000 acres of farmland, 2,300 acres of county parkland, and participate in numerous historical and open space preservation efforts with local non-profits and municipalities throughout the county.

To balance the needs of farmland, open space and historic preservation, the Board of County Commissioners allocates the trust funds as follows:

  • 55% to the County Agriculture Development Board (CADB) for farmland preservation;
  • 25% to the Municipal and Charitable Conservancy Trust Fund Committee (MCCT) for non-profit and municipal sponsored open space and historic preservation projects; and
  • 20% to the Board of Recreation Commissioners (BORC) for acquisition of county parkland;

For more information about our preservation programs and other services, please follow the links below:

The Warren County Department of Land Preservation issues an Annual Report, detailing progress made in preserving farmland, open space and historic resources, assistance to municipalities and charitable conservancies, and property monitoring. Click below for the report.

2019 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report